Summer Spirit Days

For the last days of the 2022-23 school year, we’re going to do a few theme days to celebrate!

  • Friday, June 16 – Rainbow Day
  • Monday, June 19 – Pajama Day
  • Tuesday, June 20 – Adam Sandler Day
  • Wednesday, June 21 – Hawaiian Shirt Day

Show your spirit to finish off the school year!


This past Friday and Monday, students in the LEARN and EAL programs at MDJH shared some of the beautiful and personal artwork they created in this year. Ms. Catherine Wright, a local artist, spent 12 hours with students in the LEARN program exploring culture through printmaking and held a 2 hour intensive workshop with students in the EAL program. Both groups created some amazing work. We were happy to share this with other students, teachers, school board personnel and families this week.

To see the details of the more intensive LEARN project (“Sharing our Cultures through Printmaking”), please click on this link:

GAZE Seeds at the MDJH Community Garden

The chilly summer weather can’t keep us down! Recently, some of our students at MDJH braved a cold June day to plant potatoes in the MDJH Community Garden with Jackson of Gaze Seeds. Students learned how to prepare the beds, plant the seed potatoes, fertilize the soil and care for the plants. Thanks again to Gaze Seeds for helping us “grow”!

Therapy Dog Return Visit

As part of our Wellness Wednesdays, St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog Zeke will be making his second appearance at the MDJH gym at lunchtime on Wednesday, June 14th. Any student or staff wanting to chill with our canine companion are welcome to drop by!

Rainbow Day at MDJH – Friday, June 16

Get your pride gear ready! Next Friday, June 16th is Rainbow Day at MDJH. We’re inviting all students and staff to dress in rainbow and/or pride colours in celebration of Pride Month.

Happy Pride Month! 

Created by students under the guidance of Mr. Gillard

Here are some items proudly displayed in our corridors:

The Rainbow Flag worn as a cape by retired teacher Mme. Brunet
Display collage created by the inaugural MDJH LGBTQmmunity

Shared Use Paths – City of St. John’s

The City of St. John’s has kicked off a process for feedback related to three new shared use paths for the city that our school community may be interested in. These paths aim to improve active transportation for all ages and abilities and help to build the interconnected network outlined in the city’s bike plan.

The proposed paths are:

  • an upgrade and extension from Airport Heights/Majors Path to the Paul Reynolds Community Centre on Carrick Dr. via Penney Crescent
  • a new shared-use path connection along Columbus Drive from Canada Drive, across Waterford Bridge Road to connect to the T’railway in Bowring Park
  • a shared-use path from Portugal Cove Rd. to Logy Bay Rd via MacDonald Dr. and Tupper/Laurier Parks

Each of these projects is early in the design phase. For more information on these proposed paths, please visit the project page. People can also share their feedback online or via email at

Girls Baseball Results

Congratulations to both girls baseball teams, who participated in the St. John’s Minor Baseball School Tournaments over the course of the past week. The girls braved the cold weather and wet field conditions and finished with impressive results. Team 2 finished in fourth place in their division in a battle for the bronze medal game, while Team1 won the gold in their division. Thanks to the 26 girls who participated and the coaches for their commitment over the course of the past month.

Congratulations, Grizzlies!